Ensuring access for people living with a disability.
Create an inclusive city.
Access for all.
Council has a crucial role in strengthening and advancing access and inclusion by ensuring it is front of mind in all areas of Council business.
This consideration should play a key role when Council develops new infrastructure, supports employment opportunities, provides information and services and promotes positive community views and attitudes toward people with disability.
Bathurst Regional Council should strive to promote access and inclusion as core business ideals and integrate that ethos with our ongoing concerns so that employees at every level consider the inclusion of people with disability.
Without an inclusive community more broadly and the opportunities that inclusive communities grant, diversity isn't promoted, and positive change for people living with a disability may not occur.
I strongly believe that our Council should embrace the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006):
• Provision of equitable access and inclusion for all.
• Focusing on abilities and not disabilities.
• Fundamental rights for all people.
• Recognising the benefits of collaboration.
• Principles of Universal Design.
• Access is everyone’s business.
• Genuine dialogue and participation.
• Prudent use of resources.
Business and accessibility.
The Council should make efforts to encourage local businesses to uphold the same values and support them with resources, financial or otherwise, to make changes in their operations or premises to do so.