Delivering stable, accountable government.

Councillors are leaders in their communities, tasked with ensuring our City enjoys open, accountable and corruption-free government; with all major decisions based on evidence and extensive consultation with our communities.


Good governance in local government.

Governance is the processes and culture that guide the activities of any organisation beyond its legal obligations. Good governance in local government is when elected individuals: 

  • recognise and understand their role and the role of others on council or in the organisation;

  • make good decisions that advance and promote the interests of the community they serve;

  • follow a transparent and accountable decision-making process;

  • engage in effective strategic planning;

  • build trusting and respectful relationships;

  • act with the high ethical standards;

  • understand and abide by the law;

  • commit to continuous improvement; and

  • have generally good judgement.

Good governance is essential because it supports decision making that acts in the best interests of the community.

When decisions are made in this way, community members will believe that their council acts in the community’s overall interest, regardless of differing viewpoints. 

It also encourages councillors to remember that they are acting on behalf of their community - and underlines the importance of having open and ethical processes which adhere to the law and stand up to scrutiny.

What makes a good councillor?