Sporting city.
The Bathurst region has been home to some well-known elite sports men and women throughout history, and it’s time we invested in the infrastructure to further support our future athletes.
We’re a sporting city.
Bathurst loves it sport. You only have to drive a couple of blocks to see the sheer volume of sporting fields and assets we host, across multiple codes and disciplines.
Sport is the backbone of country towns and cities - those communities who participate in sport and recreation develop strong social bonds, are safer places and the people who live in them are generally healthier and happier than places where physical activity isn’t a priority.
Everyone is familiar with the physical and mental benefits of living an active and healthy lifestyle and our city should aim to facilitate participation as much as possible, by:
Keeping a high standard of maintenance for existing fields and facilities,
Strategically prioritising expansions of facilities and grounds based on need and participation numbers, and
exploring opportunities around elite athlete development - Bathurst is in a geographically strategic position to foster high-calibre sports men and women.
Tournaments & Events.
Sports tourism plays a critical role in Bathurst’s local economy - our city welcomes visiting families staying overnight at tournaments and carnivals; sleeping, eating and spending at our local businesses.
We have the opportunity to continue to build on our sports tourism successes in carnivals and tournaments and make it a key part of our strategic tourism position.